Timeless and Elegant Wedding Invitations

When designing invitations and stationery for wedding clients, we often talk about, “looking back in 20 years, or 40 years or 50 years” and still feeling confident about the wedding planning choices that you made. We often laugh about the fact that our own mother had a lighted wedding bouquet, yes LIGHTED! Oh, to get married in the 80s. But alas, we aim to help our couples avoid making decisions where they will look back and say, “What was that about, anyways?” So we introduce to you the Dorothy suite from The Collection.

Dorothy is classic and timeless in every sense of the words. This invitation has an edge of sophistication and a touch of modern whimsy with the mix of beautiful script and solid serifs. Making the couples names a focal point of this invitation is truly a statement piece - using the script as art. Additionally, it’s a beautiful way to showcase a bride or groom’s proper name (i.e., Teresa) at the top and a more common or nickname in the middle (i.e, Tess).

View the complete coordinating collection of the Dorothy wedding suite and all of the Adornments that coordinated on our website.